Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fermentation Tests : Glucose, Lactose, Sucrose, and Mannitol {Lab 7 - May 20, 2015}

     These tests were conducted so that we could determine the ability of our bacteria to ferment a particular carbohydrate. The carbohydrates that we tested for included: glucose, lactose, sucrose, and mannitol. Discovering a bacteria's set of disaccharide-digesting enzymes contributes to its unique molecular "fingerprints" enabling us to get closer to discovering the identity of our unknown!

Glucose Test

     We inoculated the glucose test tube with our bacteria using aseptic techniques and incubated it. When we checked it, the results were: 

  • positive glucose             
  • positive gas
  • positive acid

Lactose Test

     We inoculated the lactose test tube with our bacteria using the aseptic technique and incubated it. After incubation, we checked it. The results were:

  • positive lactose 
  • positive gas
  • positive acid

Sucrose Test

     We inoculated the sucrose test tube with our bacteria, again using the aseptic techniques and incubated it, after which we analyzed the results which were:

  • Negative sucrose test

Mannitol Test

     We inoculated the mannitol test tube using aseptic techniques with our bacteria. After inoculation, we analyzed the results which were:

  • positive mannitol 
  • positive gas
  • positive growth
  • no color change

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