Saturday, May 23, 2015

Movie : Outbreak {May 20, 2015}

     Today, we finished the movie Outbreak. In this movie, a dangerous airborne virus that had been supposedly destroyed years earlier when it first appeared in Zaire has returned, randomly killing people and threatening many more. The central figures of the film are a contagious disease expert and his ex-wife who must work together to discover how the virus is spreading, how to cure those who are ill, and most importantly, who the carrier is. 

Outbreak, the movie 
      This movie gave our class the opportunity to visualize how viruses are spread. In the film, the virus called motaba spread from an African monkey which had been smuggled into America. The monkey managed to spread the virus to the smuggler, who in turn infected an entire movie theater. The reason the virus was able to spread so rapidly and uncontrollably was due to the fact that the original virus motaba had mutated and had become an airborne pathogen. 

Motaba virus from Outbreak (In actuality, it is the ebola virus)

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