Monday, June 1, 2015

Nitrate Reduction Test {Lab 8 - May 21, 2015}

     For this test, we determined if our bacteria was able to reduce nitrate ions to either nitrite ions or nitrogen gas. 


  • Nitrate broth tube
  • Nitrate reagent A (sulfanilic acid)
  • Nitrate reagent B (dimethyl-alpha-naphthylamine)
  • gloves
  • Unknown bacteria
     Using aseptic techniques, we inoculated the nitrate broth with our unknown bacteria and incubated it. After incubation, we added 5 drops of reagent A and 5 drops of reagent B, then gently shaker the tube to mix the reagents with the broth. A pink-red color appeared indicating the test was positive for nitrate reduction. 

Elisabeth mixing the
nitrate reagents into
the broth
The nitrate broth
tube after incubation

Positive Nitrate Reduction Test

     This test is used in clinical microbiology to detect nitrate reductase produced by some intestinal bacteria and some strains of veillonella.  

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